Ground Water Professional Contacts
Cordelia Merrick via binutils
2018-10-04 20:09:20 UTC

Would you be interested in acquiring "Ground Water Professional Contacts"
for your sales and marketing campaign?

Few of the Email list we cover: Suppliers, Distributors, Contractors,
Manufacturers, Scientists, Engineers,

Consultants, Hydrogeologists, Hydrologists, Regulators, Academia,
Environmental Firms and more

Data Fields includes: Contact name, Company name, Designation, Website,
Industry, Email address, Direct mail address, Telephone number, Revenue
Size, Employee Size, etc.

To provide further details counts and a sample file for your review. I would
like to understand your requirement, however please fill in the details

Industry vertical you want to target: ______

Job Titles you want to target: ______

Target geography: _______

Await your response,

Best Regards,

Cordelia Merrick

Sr. Data Manager
